value. quality care. patient-centric.
Center for
Allergy & Asthma of Texas
Call Us Now:
1-832-900-1191 (Memorial)
1-832-775-1427 (The Woodlands)
Our professional team of board-certified physician, nurses and technicians is equipped to handle a comprehensive range of allergic disorders.
You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.
For comprehensive information on allergies and asthma, visit the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)'s patient education website. The site provides trusted resources on a variety of topics, including allergy testing and allergy shot (immunotherapy).
Allergy and Asthma procedures

Allergy Testing
Allergy Shot (Immunotherapy)
After reviewing the patient’s medical history and performing a physical exam, we determine if allergy testing is appropriate for the patient and judge if testing is safely tolerated. We perform skin prick test, intradermal test, challenge test, and blood test. We are highly specialized to understand the ins and outs of allergy testing and to oversee what happens during and after test sample analysis.
To learn more, click here.
Allergy shots are a form of long-term treatment called immunotherapy. Each allergy shot contains a tiny amount of the specific substances that trigger your allergic reactions. Over time, we increases the dose of allergens in each of your allergy shots. This helps get your body used to the allergens by building up a tolerance, and your allergy symptoms diminish over time.
To learn more, click here.
Lung test
Rush/Cluster Immunotherapy
If we suspect that you have asthma and other respiratory related diseases, then we will perform spirometry testing. You are asked to blow into a device that tests lung function. Sometimes we perform after administering bronchodilating inhaler so that we can assess if airway narrowing is reversible. Asthma patients should have spirometry testing regularly, at least twice per year, to optimize disease control.
It is a form of rapid desensitization in which we build up to maintenance concentration rapidly. For Rush immunotherapy, we give incremental allergen injections every 30 minutes over a four hour period with a 1-2 hour observation period at the end. Cluster immunotherapy will be performed for 1-2 hours and get injection every 30 minutes. Time, convenience, and more rapid relief of symptoms attract more patients to this option. Rush/cluster immunotherapy is covered by most insurance plans.
Common Allergic Disorders

Asthma is a common lung disorder characterized by episodes of cough, wheeze and shortness of breath.
We will provide our expertise, identify and treat underyling conditions so that your asthma can be better controlled with the least amount of medication necessary.
Interventions such as environmental allergen avoidance, allergy shot or immunotherapy, and exercise can greatly decrease the amount of symptoms individuals with asthma experience and reduce the amount of medication they require.
Hay Fever
Triggers can be allergens (pollens, molds, dust mites etc) and non-allergenic irritants (smoke, perfume, spray etc).
Patients suffer from nose, eye, throat and breathing problems.
We will take a thorough history and decide what testings will be appropriate to identify triggers. Once triggers are identified, allergen avoidance and life modification will be advocated along with medical treatment. Allergy shot, or Immunotherapy, is a proven treatment approach providing long-term relief for many people suffering from allergic rhinitis. By altering a immune system, symptoms are expected to improve with less or no medication.
Food Allergy
Food allergies develop when the body's immune system has an abnormal reaction to one or more proteins in a food.
The most common foods causing allergy are cow’s milk, egg, peanuts, soy, wheat, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. Symptoms include itchy skin, lip swelling, difficulty breathing, nausea/vomitting, a sense of impending doom, etc. Food allergies can lead to serious or even life-threatening allergic reactions. We will identify whether food allergy exists, will recommend what type of allergy you have and what treatment plan is suitable for you.
Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis is a skin condition that causes dry, scaly, red, and itchy skin.
Frequently, people with eczema also have other allergic disorders such as food allergy and asthma. We can help identify environmental or dietary triggers and work with patients and their families in managing multiple allergic symptoms in all organs. Treatment includes the regular application of skin moisturizers and topical medicines and allergen avoidance, and immunotherapy as well.

Hives are raised, red, and extremely itchy “welts” (called wheals) on the skin surface that can last minutes to hours. Hives are often referred to as urticaria.
Most cases of short-lasting hives are triggered by allergic reactions, medications, or viral infections. Allergic responses to foods, bee stings, medications, or airborne substances can all cause hives. Physical factors such as pressure, cold, heat, or vibration can also provoke urticaria in certain people. Sometimes there is underlying medical condition causing hives, which require treatment for the primary disease as well.
Insect Allergy
Yellow jackets, Hornets, Wasps, Honeybee stings and Fire ants bites can cause allergy and anaphylaxic reactions.
Anaphylaxis from insect stings or bites results in a significant number of fatalities each year. Venom immunotherapy is very important, as it is almost impossible to avoid exposure to insects completely.
For common allergy symptoms, you can look at American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) website
Disclaimer: The allergy information on this website is general information and should not be taken as official advice. Please schedule an appointment with an allergist in order to get a proper and full allergy diagnosis and treatment.